Audition Notices - December, 2007
We regularly receive audition notices, but the small yet faithful ART staff had yet to decide on how to best post them without over-extending ourselves. Here is a great solution - you post your own audition notices! We will post a monthly Audition Notice blog, and you can add your own comments to include the specifics for your upcoming auditions. Easy for all!
If you have an upcoming audition, post a comment here with the details. Each month we'll add a new audition notice post and you can add your newest audition notices to the comments.
Let us know if you have other ART Newsletter or ART Blog ideas!
Categories: theatre_auditions
If you have an upcoming audition, post a comment here with the details. Each month we'll add a new audition notice post and you can add your newest audition notices to the comments.
Let us know if you have other ART Newsletter or ART Blog ideas!
Categories: theatre_auditions
Don't forget to include all the important audition details:
*Theatre company name
*Show run dates
*Audition date(s) and time
*Audition location
*Audition spec's (monologue, cold reading, etc.)
*Audition reservation requirement (if applicable)
*Equity contracts availability
*Call-back date (if applicable)
*Contact info (email or phone)
*Web link
Thanks for posting your auditions!
ART Newsletter, at 11/30/2007 2:01 PM
Tidewater Regional Repertory Theatre 2008
•Equity and Non-Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT in VA
Newport News VA
SPT (approval and salary level pending)
Artistic Director: Steven Breese (at auditions)
Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT:
Saturday, February 2, 2008
(Accompanist provided)
Ferguson Center for the Arts / Rehearsal Room
Sunday, February 3, 2008
(No accompanist)
One University Place
Newport News, VA 23606
10 AM – 6 PM both days
Lunch from 1 - 2.
For a five-minute appointment, call (757) 594-7475 from 10 – 5. Those without appointments will be seen throughout the audition day as time permits.
Please prepare two contrasting contemporary monologues, not to exceed three minutes total. Those auditioning for QUILTERS: Bring sheet music; an accompanist will be provided. Please prepare 32 bars of a folk song or other appropriate musical theatre song and, as well as one brief monologue.
Bring TWO copies of your stapled-together picture and resume.
2008 Summer Season. Roles are available unless otherwise noted.
QUILTERS Music/Lyrics: Barbara Damashek. Book: Molly Newman and Barbara Damashek. Director: Rebecca Taylor. Musical Director TBA.
1st rehearsal: May 13, 2008. Runs June 18 – 29.
Six Daughters: Ages 18 - 45. Roles require strong actresses who are physically and vocally adept. Physical and vocal types flexible. Seeking strong, grounded women of various looks, ethnicities and ages. MUST SING VERY WELL.
Sarah: 55 - 70. Center of the family; narrator of the play. Seeking a very strong actress who has some singing skills. Anchor of the play; has great strength of character and requires a powerful physical presence.
OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck. Director: Steven Breese.
1st rehearsal: June 3, 2008. Runs July 2 - 13.
George: 30 - 45. Ranch hand. Smaller, but physically capable. He and Lennie are the center of the play. George has a dream of owning and farming his own land. Protective of Lennie, but, finally, a realist who takes necessary action.
Lennie: 30 - 45. Ranch hand. Large, physically imposing man, but intellectually challenged. Innocent and childlike. Has adopted and sustains George’s dream.
Crooks: 30 – 60, African American. Independent, stubborn; a little bitter and lonely. Has been ostracized by society and harbors understandable anger. Has a unique and forgiving spirit, if you can peel away this armor.
Slim: 35 - 55. Jerk-line skinner. Tall, lanky and strong. Smartest, kindest and most understanding of the ranch hands.
The Boss: 50s. Superintendent of the ranch. Imposing presence and voice, with a judgmental edge. Described by his workers as, “Alright, for a boss.”
Curley: 25 - 35. Boss’s son. Short man with a big ego and a hot temper. Small, muscular man, always looking for a fight. Good hand-to-hand combat skills a must.
Curley’s Wife: 20 - 35. Sexually attractive as well as sexually threatening. Uses her looks and overt style to get attention. In reality, she is a lonely person who also harbors dreams.
Carlson: 30 - 55. Ranch hand. Tough, strong and a little pushy.
Whit: 30 - 50. Ranch hand. Simple and good natured. Lives for today.
Candy: CAST. Auditioning performers will be considered as possible replacements, should one become necessary. 60-70ish. Ranch worker who has lost his hand in accident and is now relegated to sweeping and cleaning up. A sympathetic character, alone and lonely. Sees the misery of old age looming ahead. Befriends George and Lennie, and with the few dollars he has saved joins them in their dream of owning a place of their own.
THE FOREIGNER by Larry Shue. Director TBA.
1st rehearsal: June 17, 2008. Runs July 16 - 27.
Froggy: 35 - 55. Cockney. Likable, helpful and extremely energetic. Must have good feel for language, dialect and comic timing.
Betty Meeks: 60s. Owner of the lodge. High-high energy. A true county woman; dialect is Georgia hill country - - one of the basest of the Southern dialects. Struggles to keep everything on an even keel. Lovable (albeit a bit gullible). Makes the best of nearly every situation.
Rev. David: Patient and saintly exterior. Epitome of the sinister-minister.
Catherine: 25ish. Engaged to David. Debutante who has been thrust into an awkward situation. A force to be reckoned with. Transforms in the play from a hard-hearted, pushy girl to a patient and loving woman.
Owen: Quintessential redneck. Has many comic moments, but finally, his ignorance, threatening nature and prejudices are key to his character.
Ellard: 18ish, but with the maturity level of a pre-teen. Catherine’s younger and mentally-challenged brother. A little slow, innocent and therefore takes the fall for the inappropriate actions of others. Earnest and simple-minded; must be childlike without becoming childish…and the audience must love him.
Charlie: CAST. 35 - 55. Upper British dialect. Vulnerable, likable and rather helpless. Unwittingly casts himself in the role of “The Foreigner.” The comic lead, often bordering on farcical; the actor must be inventive and spontaneous.
Christopher Newport University's Ferguson Center for the Arts is located in the heart of Newport News, VA, two hours south of Washington, DC, 45 minutes from the Virginia Beach oceanfront, and 20 minutes east of historic Williamsburg. Parking is available throughout the campus.
Complete directions:
Anonymous, at 1/15/2008 11:48 AM
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