New ART Feature... Audition Notices
We regularly receive audition notices, but the small yet faithful ART staff had yet to decide on how to best post them without over-extending ourselves. Here is a great solution - you post your own audition notices! We will post a monthly Audition Notice blog, and you can add your own comments to include the specifics for your upcoming auditions. Easy for all!
If you have an upcoming audition, post a comment here with the details. Each month we'll add a new audition notice post and you can add your newest audition notices to the comments.
Let us know if you have other ART Newsletter or ART Blog ideas!
Categories: theatre_auditions
If you have an upcoming audition, post a comment here with the details. Each month we'll add a new audition notice post and you can add your newest audition notices to the comments.
Let us know if you have other ART Newsletter or ART Blog ideas!
Categories: theatre_auditions
Don't forget to include all the important audition details:
*Theatre company name
*Show run dates
*Audition date(s) and time
*Audition location
*Audition spec's (monologue, cold reading, etc.)
*Audition reservation requirement (if applicable)
*Equity contracts availability
*Call-back date (if applicable)
*Contact info (email or phone)
*Web link
Thanks for posting your auditions!
ART Newsletter, at 11/08/2007 1:57 PM
3 Barksdale Theatre Auditions in November
Bifocals, Doubt and The Little Dog Laughed
Auditions for Bifocals Theatre Project for Seniors
It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Drama
Directed by Bob Albertia
Auditions will be held at Barksdale Theatre at The Shops at Willow Lawn on Tuesday November 13 from 1:00-3:00 pm.
Actors Sought: 5 -10 Men and Women Aged 55+
Those auditioning will be asked to read from the script.
No appointment necessary.
All Performers will be paid.
Performance Dates: December 6-7 at Barksdale Theatre at Willow Lawn
December 10-21 Touring Dates
Rehearsals will begin on or around November 19th.
Questions? Please call Chase at 804-783-1688 ext. 14.
11/17 & 18
Auditions for Doubt
By John Patrick Shanley
Directed by Keri Wormald
Rehearsals will begin on or around January 21, 2008
Performance dates: February 15-March 23, 2008 at Willow Lawn
Casting 1 Caucasian man, 30-40 years old, 1 Caucasian woman, 22-28 years old, and 1 African-American woman, 30-40 years old.
The Role of Sister Aloysius has been cast. All other roles are open.
Auditions are by appointment only and will be held at Theatre IV’s Empire Theatre on Saturday, November 17th from 2:00-5:00pm and Sunday, November 18th from 6:00-9:00pm.
Men auditioning are asked to prepare one of the two sermon monologues from the play. Women auditioning are asked to be prepared to read from the script.
All performers will be paid.
Please call 344-8052 x4 to schedule an appointment or for additional information.
11/19 & 20
Auditions for The Little Dog Laughed
By Douglas Carter Beane
Directed by Bruce Miller
Rehearsals will begin on or around March 17, 2008
Performance dates: April 11 – May 18, 2008 at Willow Lawn
Casting 2 men, 20’s-30’s, both in good physical condition, 1 woman, early 20’s and 1 woman, 30’s – 40’s. Both male roles require nudity.
All roles are open.
Auditions are by appointment only and will be held at Theatre IV’s Empire Theatre on Monday, November 19th and Tuesday, November 20th from 7:00-9:30pm.
Those auditioning are asked to either prepare a short monologue or to be prepared to read from the script.
All performers will be paid.
Please call 344-8052 x4 to schedule an appointment or for additional information.
Please use the phone numbers above to get any further details. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 11/08/2007 6:04 PM
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