ART Newsletter

Friday, April 14, 2006

Sycamore Rouge is Shaking up Petersburg

I've been reading email updates from Sycamore Rouge in Downtown Petersburg for awhile and I have to say that I am truly impressed. They have a new opportunity you should take advantage of - free tickets to everyone who has never been there yet. Here is the explanation from their email:

"Have you told EVERYONE YOU KNOW about Sycamore Rouge??? We’re about to unveil a big—I mean BIG—campaign to give the world a taste of this place. I won’t go into details now, but I don’t mind quietly mentioning that it does involve…A FREE FIRST TICKET TO SYCAMORE ROUGE FOR EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN THE ENTIRE WOLRD. …so you really should tell your friends. They’ll thank you. They’ll love you. They’ll think you’re too cool for school."

The message goes on a bit more to describe some of their upcoming events. Lots of good stuff, I recommend giving it a shot. After all, you have nothing to lose!

Visit their website for more information, Sycamore Rouge.

Oh yes, and if you happen to be seeking employment, I hear they are currently taking applications for a Managing Director.

Categories: theatre_companies


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